Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Préhistoire Europe Afrique

jeudi 21 février 2008

Sixième Congrès Mondial d’Archéologie / Sixth World Archaeological Congress

[congrès, colloques, réunions]

du 29 juin au 4 juillet 2008
Dublin (Irlande)

Tous les thèmes et sessions :

* Archaeological Theory? Legacies, Burdens, Futures
* Archaeologies of Art
* Archaeologists, War and Conflict: Ethics, Politics, Responsibility
* Archaeology and the Museum
* Archaeology in the Digital Age 2.0
* Archaeology of Spiritualities
* Archaeology, Development and Quality Assurance: An International Perspective
* Critical Technologies: the Making of the Modern World
* Cultural And Intellectual Property Issues in Archaeological Heritage: Identifying the Issues, Developing Modes of Resolution
* Developing International Geoarchaeology
* Emerging Global Archaeologies
In association with ICOMOS Scientific Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)
* Engaged and Useful Archaeologies
* Exploring WAC’s Approach(es) to Ethics
In association with The WAC Committee on Ethics
* Getting the Message Across - Communicating Archaeology
* Heritage Tourism Agendas
* Indigenous Archaeologies: New Challenges
* Intimate Encounters, Postcolonial Engagements: Archaeologies of Empire and Sexuality
* Issues in Historical Archaeology
* Land and Archaeology
* Living in Island Worlds
* Maritime and Underwater Archaeology
* Materializing Identities I: personhood, politics and the presentation of identity
* Materializing Identities II: materials, techniques, practice
* Memory, Archaeology, and Oral Traditions
* Migration and Movement
* Moving Beyond the Meal: The Economics and Politics of Communal Foraging
* Our Changing Planet: Past Human Environments in Modern Contexts
* Peopling the Past, Individualizing the Present: Bioarchaeological Contributions in a Global Context
* Provisional Independent Sessions
* Rainforest as artefact
* Reflections on Archaeology and Politics
* The Impact of Innovation
* Wetland Archaeology Across the World

En savoir plus >>>

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