Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Préhistoire Europe Afrique

lundi 16 novembre 2009

Sacré vert! alpine axeheads and the social dynamics of Neolithic and chalcolithic Europe

[Congrès, colloques, réunions]

samedi 8 mai 2010


- Serge Cassen : Alpine axeheads, Carnac tumuli & social dynamics in mid-5th millennium southern Brittany
- Yvan Pailler : The special & the everyday: fibrolite & dolerite axehead production in Neolithic Brittany
- Françoise Bostyn & Hélène Collet : Alpine axeheads, flint mines & settlements in Neolithic northern France & Belgium
- Mark Edmonds : Axes & mountains – a view from the west
- Alison Sheridan, Yvan Pailler & Gabriel Cooney : Everything you want to know about Alpine axeheads in Britain & Ireland
- Frances Healy & Alasdair Whittle : Axes & enclosures in early Neolithic southern Britain

suivi d'une conférence de Pierre Pétrequin : [The Europa Lecture 2010] Understanding Alpine axeheads in Neolithic and Chalcolithic Europe

Plus d'infos sur le site de la Prehistoric Society


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