[Emplois, bourses, prix]
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (Allemagne)
The Department of Human Evolution of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (Germany) invites applications for a junior research position in Biological Anthropology. At the department, palaeoanthropological research is conducted within a multidisciplinary environment involving three main groups of scientists: biological anthropologists, Palaeolithic archeologists and archaeological scientists/geochronologists. More information about the Department of Human Evolution may be found at http://www.eva.mpg.de/evolution.
The position is a research-only post with no teaching obligations. The department will provide substantial support in a highly stimulating environment, and we expect the successful candidate to contribute to the research of the department as a whole, as well as to undertake high quality original research in his/her specific field.
We are especially but not exclusively interested in candidates with innovative research programs in the field of evolutionary studies focusing on:
Dental anatomy
Skeletal biomechanics
Development and life history
The selected candidate will have a PhD and ideally, post-doctoral experience with a strong track record of research. The initial length of the appointment is two years but the contract is extensible.
Pour plus d'information, contacter le professeur Jean-Jacques Hublin hublin [at] eva.mpg.de
Les candidatures devront comporter une lettre de motivation, un CV, des tirés-à-part de publications sélectionnées, un brève présentation des centres d'intérêt scientifique et le nom de trois referees.
Elles seront adressées à :
Jean-Jacques Hublin
Department of Human Evolution
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
D-04103 Leipzig (Germany)
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